Are your mattresses made with natural products?

Mollyflex has created a broad range of mattresses with natural materials and low environmental impact, focusing on the quality of raw materials such as:
• The natural latex mattress, which features a natural rubber layer containing at least 85% pure latex, while the remaining percentage does not contain synthetic rubbers.
• The biological memory-foam mattress, an innovative product which can be called natural inasmuch as it is made using oils from plants such as aloe Vera, soy or medicinal plants. The memory foam, specially designed to favour sleep and rest, is foamed with water and raw materials deriving from renewable sources.

Numerous covers also exist made of natural fabrics such as:
• bamboo fibre, where the fabric has been entirely covered with micro-spheres which ensure outstanding properties and absorb moisture.
• cotton fibre, with its hygroscopic and breathable properties – besides being comfortable and soft, it is ideal for a rejuvenating rest.
• fabric made with the introduction of millions of Aloe Vera microcapsules, which provide great beneficial anti-inflammatory and healing properties and positively affect sleep, awakening and attention.