Breathable mattresses

In order to ensure a healthy rest is essential that the mattress provides a feeling dry and clean.

Breathable mattresses

For this reason, breathable mattresses by Mollyflex are designed with special construction techniques based on the use of breathable materials. This choice is made both for the material of the mattress, that for fabrics of coverage that we use special breathable fibers having a high coefficient of evaporation. For example, our breathable latex mattresses, made with the extract of rubber to 100%, are mattresses that offer maximum breathability. Scientific studies show that the use of rubber material allows to arrive at 99% of the rate of evaporation of perspiration body. The thermoregulation of the body during the night favors the production of moisture. It is important, however, that wick sweat away, keeping a dry surface that is not conducive to bacterial growth.

In this regard, Mollyflex has studied and designed breathable mattresses of various types, to meet the different needs of customers. Inside the structure of breathable mattress, there is a zone that allows the air inside the mattress. This ventilation eliminates moisture stagnant, reducing odors and bacteria from forming, also reducing the allergenic diseases. The breathable mattress made by italian factory Mollyflex is therefore an irreplaceable mattress that allows you to maximize the benefits produced by the night’s rest.